
ELITERSHIP. The elite practise of leadership.When elitership is in tune with the three business processes, the company will naturally double the Big Five in 5 years.


ELITERSHIP. The elite practice of leadership.When holding a professional mastery standard, every human in any organization is striving at creating a sustainable business in all perpetuity.


The more you know about a profession, the better you can handle it. The more you know about yourself, the better you will function as a leader.  


THE LEADER IN THE 2020’s Work for Customers as a Business Leader We are now heading at the end of the year 2018, and you now only have one year left to prepare your leadership strengths for the 2020s. Let me explain: What got you here will not get you there!...


WHAT? OUR CEO FIRED? Everyone was bewildered. It came as a big surprise. The chairman has just introduced the name of the new CEO over the intranet. It happened a week after the announcement of the most profitable year in a decade.   Yes, a flash photo of reality in...