Tell leaders, that not making sufficient economic profit is foolish, and they will laugh, for who does not know it?

Only underdeveloped leaders are foolish, but really good leaders leading an organization will just do fine.

People in general might think that it is quite clear, that business leaders are not suffering a damaging lack of, basic business acumen, clarity, human understanding, historical facts, social and cultural insight.

People might be right, but our observations show a different picture.


Challenges are a blessing, they become an exercise in attention and consciousness, and make leaders free to respond beyond limitations, and big challenges are certainly the greatest leadership character-builder.

This attitude is quite vital for any leader, based on our observations and experiences from hundreds of different companies, in dialogs with more than 16.000 leaders through the last 30 years, as a trainer towards a vast variety of global companies who all have had their own unique challenges.

Furthermore, the lack of training and development of leadership competencies results in less engaged leaders, and therefore less engaged employees. It also works the other way around heavily engaged leaders create heavily engaged employees. Engagement index figures talk their own language. How to overcome these challenges?


The answer must take the following into consideration; Leading change is to lead people from where they are into unknown territories, to a “place” where they have never been before. For example, growing the business through growing people. Growing people is a leadership discipline. If this is not trained thoroughly enough, the consequence will be less engaged employees, because they hesitate as they move forward into new territories. The majority of managers feel it is awkward and tough to discuss mental topics and therefore avoid to engage themselves into it.

Too a high cost? – Yes, you make the calculation of the costs. In a Gallup survey from 2016, it is measured that 13% of the global workforce are engaged when at work. In the US, the same figure is 33 %. This means that 87% respectively 67 % are less or not engaged, when at work, but still receive a full salary every month.

  • The calculation looks like this, per 1,000 people employed. 87 % of them, have a decreased productivity of 20 % (learning curve effect) receiving a yearly salary of 50,000 USD per employee in average.
  • Accumulated loss per year can be measured like this; 87 % of 1,000 people is 870 people times 50,000 USD in yearly salary = 43,500,000 USD. Decreased productivity is worth 20 % of that amount USD 8,700,000 in cool cash per 1,000 employees per year.

How much tailor-made leadership training per year, can you get for 8,7 mio. USD.

I do not dare to make the calculation for a 5,000 or 10,000 people company.

Do you know the engagement index figure for your company? Based on my experience if your company is an average company, I guess that the engagement index is lower than the one from the US.

I think the question is not, if your company can afford to invest in leadership training, but if your company can afford not to invest in leadership training. Lack of productivity, means lack of leading people, this comes at an exorbitant cost.

I am quite sure that this have your interest.

I do look forward to take a meeting with you and discuss next step out of this.

You have a good question – right? Please let me know, and I will be right with you.

Please use SMS or phone +45 4042 9017.

E-mail or consider as your next stop, before you take a chat with your leader.

Siegfried W. Andersen – Founder & CEO



Next Generation Leadership is to train oneself being a Great Leader, whilst training one’s team, how to deliver World-Class Achievements.

The Will to Lead is an intensive and deliberate training program, directed solely at The Practice of Leadership.


This holistic training program is lifting a leader’s vision to higher sights, the raising of a leader’s contribution to a higher standard, the building of a leader’s character beyond its normal limitations, and amplify the insight to navigate of wider map of human understanding.


  1. Inspire the team to focus intention – see things other cannot see
  2. Communicate clear result expectations, and stimulate people’s self-efficacy
  3. Get things done in due time, with attention to whom need help with what
  4. Create a team-spirit, high energy and energize everyone everywhere at any time
  5. Practice integrity, inclusiveness, intactness and dignity

The program involves pre- and post- training assignments.

  • Pre-training assignments take form as: Reading business articles but also an analysis of how the specific individual spends his time and efforts on the job when: leading people, managing the work and using one’s own expertise.
  • Post training assignments take form as: A presentation for the teams back home to illustrate what new skills have been acquired, and what to expect in the future. Furthermore, a dialogue with one’s leader, regarding a one-year Contribution & Innovation Plan build solely on strengths.

I am quite sure that this will have your interest. Take the lead and book, a seat on our next training venue – globally

I do look forward to welcoming you at the training.

You have a good question – right? Please let me know, and I will be right with you.

Please use SMS or phone +45 4042 9017 or e-mail

Download these pages as your next step. Then prepare yourself and take a chat with your leader. He/she will be surprised, inspired and impressed by, how you make yourself responsible and how you want to respond to the leadership trained at MBL1 – Master of Business Leadership 1.

Siegfried W. Andersen – Founder & CEO