KF Andersen Leadership Academy

"Leaders as Human Asset Developers"


What We Offer

KF Andersen Leadership Academy offer 3 Master of Business Leadership (MBL) modules that take place as open trainings, or as inhouse trainings which are tailored to your company’s specific needs. 

Team Leadership


Business Leadership


Become an Excellent Leader?

Don’t aim to be a man of value. Instead, aim to be of value to man. 


The Universe is Infinite The Earth is Round Gasoline is Flammable and Our Training Works

Elysium’s Edge

“I wholeheartedly embrace the freedom of choice that empowers me to craft a fulfilling life in every moment. The more intense the experience, the more I truly thrive.”

To achieve this, I have joyfully committed time to deeply explore the circumstances and relationships that have shaped the vibrant, shadowy, and darker aspects of my identity.

What challenges have sculpted my character, instilled the virtues I hold dear, and contributed to my strengths? What currently drives my interests? Where will this journey take me? Which situations and relationships will I consciously allow to shape my life as I advance, both personally and professionally, towards my goals?

Through engaging conversations—having had face-to-face dialogues with over 20,000 individuals over the past 35 years—I have uncovered remarkable learning experiences. I realised, “The sky is not the limit; our imagination is.”

This insight has ignited my determination to explore the question, ‘Why and how have I unknowingly limited my imagination?’

Elitership, the elite practice of leadership, emerges from the brightest facets of your character, guiding you to fulfil your life purpose. If you aspire to become an elite leader, take action now by signing up at a Booking and joining us in Copenhagen, Dubai, or Hong Kong.

The Master of Business Leadership (MBL) programme offers three ascending levels of insight to action: MBL1 – The Will to Lead, MBL2 – Elite Team Leader, and MBL3 – Elite Business Leadership.


Over the last fifty years, through face-to-face dialogues, Siegfried W. Andersen has developed a bold leadership concept that challenges conventional perceptions of what it takes to be an excellent leader.

This concept comprises a series of mental determinants that equip individuals with the knowledge and insights required to become elite leaders of the next generation. These charismatic determinants emanate exclusively from the bright side of a leader’s human nature.

The character of an Elite Leader becomes genuine as a fusion of successfully conquering a supreme challenge and gaining the corresponding sublime learning experiences. It is not enough to conquer Mount Everest; encode what you have learned from that in your brain.  

The entire process is led by a Brain-Trust team of highly skilled executives who simultaneously foster individual and collective creative intelligence. 

This challenging leadership praxis, called Elitership, stems from experiential science. Since 1973, Siegfried W. Andersen has carried out systematic pattern recognition by observing more than 20,000 participants in various leadership situations.

The study revealed that ‘self-made’ leaders understand how to continuously evolve their mental virtues and calibrate their beliefs, attitudes, and behaviour to achieve specific outcomes. Moreover, a tenth of them also recognised how to calibrate themselves to become influential team leaders. However, only a rare few understood how to calibrate themselves and get multiple teams to continuously deliver outstanding results collectively.

The observations also indicate that leaders shall have a sense of purpose in life and share the joy of fulfilling significant accomplishments with others.

Furthermore, the new praxis of Elitership is rooted in a Code of Good Conduct – a business culture across a flat organic network of projects, not a hierarchical-ranked organization. 

In conclusion, seeking out new opportunities, opening new doors, and looking around corners to see what is next is vital. We need to take the initiative and act to be innovative. You can not think your way to new actions. But you can act your way to new thinking!

With the Elitership mindset and approach, we can get there faster, better, and bolder.


Let us start with Albert Einstein’s quote: “We can’t solve problems by using the same thinking we used when we created them.”

Management philosophies from the past have expired. They pose challenges.

We must raise our vision, the standard of excellence, and leaders’ personalities beyond their usual limits. We should use a human’s holistic capabilities and lift their consciousness to an ascending level.

Elitership is a new concept of leading organisations based on a vibrant, humanised philosophy. We can evolve ourselves and cultivate exceptional leaders who act with human understanding, humanised virtues, a minimum of business acumen, and social qualities that set them apart.

Elitership challenges everyone with superior result expectations, sublime learning experiences, and mammoth objectives that lead to renewal in everything. It is a practical leadership philosophy, and its concept goes beyond the ordinary perception of what can be achieved effortlessly.

In the spirit of Albert Einstein, elitism is a renewal in thinking, talking and acting.


During the last 40 years, we have filled more than 20.000 talented humans with life force and a solid passion for taking the lead in any situation and turning point in life, practising inclusiveness and mentorship, and turning any challenge into a shared joy.

Furthermore, we have trained people from more than 400 companies in almost any industry globally. A couple of sublime learning points arise, such as cultural differences existing only in people’s brains. Another thing is that diversity among humans increases the possibility of creative solutions and enjoyment.

KFA ADDRESSES the demands for leaders that belong to the future.

The next generation of talented individuals has great expectations for their lives. They know that they are the key to the future of any company, although they also know that companies need to be prepared to take them on board.

They demand excellent mentorship and straightforward communication. They see themselves as volunteer associates, not merely a workforce.

The next generation wants a liberated and balanced life, working in teams that foster both individual and collective creative intelligence, undertaking roles in limited timeframe projects, transforming hierarchy into a Bio-Intelligent Network of projects, working with associates, and creating phenomenal outcomes.

KFA addresses the issues faced by today’s leaders:
The next generation of talented individuals has high expectations for their lives. They recognise that they are essential to the future success of any company, but they also understand that organisations must be ready to welcome them.

Upcoming Events 2025



Open training

The Will to Lead


0 – 0

Not scheduled

Open training

Leadership  Communication


16 – 20


Open training

Leadership  Communication


0 – 0

Not scheduled

Open Training

The Will to Lead



25 – 29


Open training

Leadership Communication


0 – 0

Not scheduled

Open training

Leadership  Communication

Hong Kong


Customers tell our story

“Everyone who participated in KFA’s first module back in 1986, are today either a CEO or at the corporate executive level at different companies all over the world”

I still remember my final goodbye to Siegfried at the end of that first week of MBL1 The Will to Lead.  I shook his hand and enthusiastically stated that if what he taught were a religion, I would come to church every Sunday!

Today, I still find strength, a sense of renewal, optimism and confidence in what I learned. I owe a great debt of gratitude to Siegfried and colleagues for the training, discussions and friendships that I have had over the years, and I wholeheartedly and unreservedly recommend KFA for anyone bold enough to take on a journey that may alter your life path forever.

Bjørn Højgaard

CEO, AngloEastern

KF Andersen’s MBL3 Lead the Business is a program you must attend. This is 5 days of how to make it happen, get it done and how to transform winning strategies into genuine bottom line results. 

Through case based learning and discussions, your understanding on how to link together; people, strategy, and operations, is dramatically enhanced. KFA makes it simple, practical and gives you the mental models for how to approach this so people work together to create a strategy which is in sync with the realities of the marketplace, economy, and competition. 


Senior-Vice President

Maersk Line Denmark

Latest News & Articles 


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